Rochelle Sharpe Lohrasbe

Certified Practitioner since June 2017

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Beginning with a career in forensic psychiatric nursing, Dr. Sharpe Lohrasbe has over 30 years of clinical experience in the areas of post-traumatic stress, attachment trauma and developmental wounding. In clinical practice, Rochelle sees children and adults who have experienced abuse, neglect and other traumatic experiences such as vehicle accidents, natural disasters, bullying, and chronic degradation. Rochelle teaches regionally, nationally and internationally as a faculty member at the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. She provides consultation services for clinical cases, educational design and organizational support in Canada and abroad. Rochelle has presented at EMDR and Trauma and Dissociation conferences, including the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation.

Her approach to mental health and well-being incorporates a keen interest in Integrative Mental Health. Drawing on a strengths-based approach and guided by cross-discipline research in neurobiology, neuropsychoimmunology, philosophy, integrative medicine, psychology and the social sciences, Rochelle works with clients where they are at, guiding a process to help them discover a resilient self and path unique to their strengths and attributes.

Areas of specialization

Post-traumatic stress disorder